Dann geselle ich mich mal zu den "Textdieben" dazu.
Name: Patrick
B-Day: 23 March
Nickname: I dont have one
Colour of eyes: blue
Haircolour: darkbrown
Height: 192cm
Hobbies: reading, listening to music...
Questions to Starlight:
How often did you see the show ? 14 times
Fav.- Actors? Duane McGregor,Luigi Scarano, Gianni Salvucci, Woody,Bernie, Kapa, Carl, Rachelle, Clarissa, Emma
When was your 1st show? 3 december 2004
Whats your fav part? Caboose, Electra, Greaseball
Whats your fav song? Fracht, Hilf mir verstehn, AC/DC, Pumpin Iron,Allein im Licht der Sterne, Starlight Express, Starlight Sequenz