Name: Christiane D. B-Day: 18. Februar 1983 Nickname: Chrissie, Jane Colour of eyes: brown Haircolour: brown Height: 160 cm Hobbies: reading, Judo, rollerskating, chatting
Questions to Starlight: How often did you see the show ? 3 times Fav.- Actors? Bernie Blanks, Duane McGregor, Amanda Coutts, Clarissa Grace When was your 1st show? 13. August 2005 Whats your fav part? Rusty, Dinah, Dustin
Dann geselle ich mich mal zu den "Textdieben" dazu.
Name: Patrick B-Day: 23 March Nickname: I dont have one Colour of eyes: blue Haircolour: darkbrown Height: 192cm Hobbies: reading, listening to music...
Questions to Starlight: How often did you see the show ? 14 times Fav.- Actors? Duane McGregor,Luigi Scarano, Gianni Salvucci, Woody,Bernie, Kapa, Carl, Rachelle, Clarissa, Emma When was your 1st show? 3 december 2004 Whats your fav part? Caboose, Electra, Greaseball Whats your fav song? Fracht, Hilf mir verstehn, AC/DC, Pumpin Iron,Allein im Licht der Sterne, Starlight Express, Starlight Sequenz