so da ich faul bin hab ich mir deinen text einfach mal kopiert @ nat ;)
Name: Sabrina
B-Day: 25.05.1988
Nickname: Biene
Colour of eyes: green
Haircolour: blond / brown
Height: 168 cm
Hobbies: reading, dancing, meeting my friends, chatting
Questions to Starlight:
How often did you see the show ? ähm 6 times? ^^
Fav.- Actors? Greg Castiglioni, Richard Woodford, Duane McGregor, Amanda Coutts
When was your 1st show? 1994...?
Whats your fav part? Electra, Greaseball and Rusty, Dinah
Whats your fav song? Starlight Sequence, Megamix,